Beginner's Guide to Troubleshooting Computer Hardware

If you are trying to learn how to fix computers and don't know where to start, this is the right place for you. When learning how to fix or troubleshoot computers, one must have a trusted guide and clear instructions to follow. Computer hardware servicing is not that hard as you may be thinking and not as easy as some people claim. A step by step approach of teaching should favor the student and that is what this Beginner's Guide to Troubleshooting Computer Hardware is promoting for you to learn computer hardware servicing fast, easy, and free.

Before we proceed with our tutorial, let us first assess things that you currently learn about computers and yourself.

1. Are you familiar and practicing occupational health and safety (OHS) when working with computers?

2. Do you know how to operate a computer?

3. Are you afraid of electricity?

4. Do you have the passion to learn on how to fix computers?

5. Have you ever tried tinkering or opening an electronic device?

6. Are you resourceful enough?

7. Do you have patience?

Asking these questions to yourself gives you a hint of what a computer hardware service technician's attributes are. If ever you say no for any of the questions above, it is ok. Read on and you will know why I am saying it really is ok.

Safety Is A Priority

Working with computers may seem harmless. You can't be sure though because even if you are just sitting and browsing the web with your computer, radiation is already softly cooking you. Your monitor emits small amounts of radiation tolerable by own body but radiation is still radiation. Wonder why your eyes gets tired and sores a little when using computers for some prolonged usage of your computer. Safety must be observed.

Now how about if your are to fix a computer? Accidents may happen like electrocution, cuts, dropping and damaging the tools and equipment, blowing or frying the motherboard and other peripherals if safety is disregarded. To make things short, computer safety must be followed.

I Know You Can Operate A Computer

This might be a silly statement but what I am trying to imply is different. Of course I know you can operate a computer that is why you are reading this article. But sometimes, what we think we already know isn't enough. Keyboard shortcuts, using process names to open programs, use of batch files and the command prompt, tweaking using the registry editor, and so many things are some of the operation that you should be familiar. And I am not saying that you must know everything about operating the computer first before learning how to fix it, you must somehow "learn" by process. Learn more computer terms by reading ebooks. We will soon be providing ebook downloads soon or just email me to ask for a copy.

Fear Not For Electricity Is Your Friend

During my years as a freelance computer hardware serviceman, I often see students having On-the-Job Trainings (OJT)in computer shops just standing by the corner and watching seasoned computer technicians doing something. And when a seasoned technician asks for assistance from the trainee, it is evident that the trainee shows hesitation with plugging into sockets and molex power connectors. It is not good to hesitate in doing things because uncertainty surely leads to disaster.

Fear of electrocution is common among newbies. I could remember during my college days when my Building Wiring and Electricity instructor tried to have us touched a 220 live wire just to let us feel electricity. I never touched when he said so but when we were asked to do our practical examination by building a two-way switch on a large dashboard, I accidentally touched a bare live wire! A shock was sent up to my armpit and I was so careful about electricity ever since.

You can't fix a computer without electricity, just be very careful in using it.

Be Passionate About Fixing Or Troubleshooting a Computer

It's just like having a girlfriend. If you are not dedicated and passionate with her, you will be throwing stones at each other by the morning! You see if you love what you are doing, you can do things right and makes you genuinely happy. If you feel that troubleshooting computers is not the thing for you, then quit. Do other stuff that you feel you love to do and you surely will be good and happy with it.

Be passionate to troubleshoot and learn computer hardware servicing. You can only be a good computer hardware technician if you are passionate on what you are doing. Doing things right with eagerness to improve is the key to be a successful learner.

Tinkering And Being Curious About The Insides Of An Electronic Device

If you love to open electronic devices or just anything you are curious at, is a good sign that you are an eager learner. It also shows that you have interest in the inner workings of a machine and wants to analyse how a thing works. In troubleshooting computer hardware, it is important that you can analyse how the parts are positioned or being attached to. Computer hardware servicing may seem difficult, very technical, and boring but it is actually easy, handy, and exciting!

Be Resourceful, Not Everything You Got Is Enough

Learning really takes time. You just can't just click any links from the web and expect to learn something. Sometimes you must choose those which are worth knowing and reading. Sometimes clicking some links in a site brings you to good pages and will take away your blues trying to learn.

So be resourceful, don't just get stuck with few resources. Research and don't be afraid to learn. Experience will also bring more knowledge. Try to apply what you have learned and you will surely thank yourself.

Be Patient At All Times

Patience has something to do with time. In troubleshooting computer problems, there will be times when you can't fix the machine right away. You need to give yourself a time to regroup and think of a better solution.

Have you thought of these things? If you think you have or able to develop the attributes discussed above, then you already becoming a good computer technician in the process. Learning is a process, it takes enormous effort and time. So let me give you a draft on what things you should be learning to become full fledged computer hardware servicing technician.

What You Should Learn About Computer Hardware Servicing

1. Occupational Health and Safety Procedure

2. Basic Computer Operation

3. Understanding Binaries and Logic Gates

4. Introduction To Computers - Components of the IT System

5. The System Unit - Hardware Component Functions and Description

- Motherboard
- Central Processing Unit
- Random Access Memory, Read Only Memories, and Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)
- Storage
- Operating Systems, Tools, and Utilities - Installation
- Networking
- Troubleshooting Techniques

Basically these are the things that you should learn about computer hardware servicing. We will be providing more computer hardware servicing tutorials soon.

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